Serving the Southeast United States (800) 761-3777
Knowledge for Business • Ideas for the Environment
Envir-OZONE SGE, LLC personnel have vast experience in a wide range of environmental services. Our experts identify, assess and provide cost-effective solutions to various industries, developers, realtors, lenders, government and the private business sector.
Soil and Groundwater Assessment - Petroleum, dry-cleaner solvent, and other industrial and agricultural contaminants
Storage Tank Closure Assessment - Petroleum, CERCLA
Spill Response Management - Initial incident to completion-all contaminants; Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
Pollutant Vapor Assessments and Intrusion Evaluation - Assessment, mitigation
Remedial Design - Various contaminants and media.
Professionals - Experienced Engineers, Geologists, Project Managers,
Environmental Scientists and Technicians to run remedial projects using various methods with a specialization in Ozone Treatment
Remedial System Rentals
Source Removal - Soil Excavation, Pollutant Recovery, open pit air sparging, Turn-Key
Phase I, II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) - in accordance with ASTM Standards and SBA Requirements, when requested
Transaction Screen Process (TSP) - in accordance with ASTM Standards, credit applied to Phase I ESA, when necessary
Record Search Risk Assessment (RSRA) - minimal SBA desktop review of property without site visit; generates risk level for lender
Miscellaneous Additional Services - wetlands, radon, endangered species, gopher tortoise, skink, lead, asbestos, vapor intrusion, remedial action
Sampling - Monitoring well installation and soil boring professional oversight; experienced environmental technicians for sampling all media types
Monitoring - Landfill, remedial, NPDES
Permitting - NPDES, Best Management Practices (BMPs), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Consultation - Professional analysis of sample results and sampling techniques; mitigation design analysis
Mitigation- mitigation professionals, active and passive mitigation systems
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